About the Project

The Neighbourhood plaza is envisioned as a community resource center, where the community people can visit and benefit from the infrastructure. The goal is to cater for divers needs of the community like restaurant; a local shopping mall; a children play centre; a games centre for young people; a hostel for those who need a place to get away and find privacy; a meditation house by the river nearby for meditation and connection with nature and an event hall rentable for community events.

Nestled somewhere between the University of Ibadan, and neighbouring Ojoo, in the ancient city of Ibadan, the location is strategic as it gives unrivalled access to the young people as well as teaching and non-teaching staff of the University.

This is a mission initiative that brings the ministry into close contact with the community, without a religious setting. It is a secular structure where a lot of underground work and strategic ministry takes place. Spaces would be available for lease by religious organization, but the building is not primarily a religious center. It will be a location for different people to meet and also through it’s revenue generation will support mission work and ministries. The activities and facilities will focus on attracting young people to better prepare them for the future. The facility will be multi-faceted in the services it will provide to be able to attract different calibers of people in the community.

Neighbourhood Plaza Community Centre will host/sponsor regular community events/day targeted at the young people in the community as well as sponsor charity work targeted at the poor and needy in the community.

The Project is estimated to cost roughly 1 Billion Naira (about 2 Million Dollars) .The team plans to raise the fund in three Phases over a period of 4 years.